Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tears of A Wreckage

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(A Collaboration with Author Karen Dewitt)

I traveled from the impassioned residue
in a beautiful confusion, in a stupor to the effects
my eyes withdrawn by the act of hatred

In pursuing this course of action, I set myself free
Unwilling to partake in these circumstances
As I look to make amends and be at peace in mind

I felt the mental imagery of lineage caducous; all the colors dark
its ego ship wrecked on naked pristine beaches- covered in diamonds
The pain of heartache within the depths of soul-less sink holes
pride had been left behind...

The chaos of reactions, so unjust that it pierces the resilience
Leaving behind in the aftermath of destruction, desolation
Haunting be these never-ending days, as within the spirit
It refuses to fade away…

In all its perturbations- the pavement disintegrated
- each step closer I came to you
Still the heart pulsates- the after-math ruined by the raging fire,
the beauty
lacking palms to aid the unfortunate person
the holocaust egresses from the hostility bath

Lost inside the imagery, played time and again in mind
The heart beckons for release from these chains, weighing
me down, in a deep desire to break free from these torments
When the darkness consumes, eating the essence in the core
Dragging me in the undertow of the current, from the wreckage

I stepped out from my mind- now a dignified spirit strolling the land
in a luscious contusion, in a splendor to the ambiance
these skies sullen with sorrow, by the act of fearful tongue

Thus, here I linger, walking eternally amongst the shadows
Broken beyond repair, as memories perturb ceaselessly
Now bloodshed tears commence to fall in profound silence

Copyright © 5/2012 Author Karen Dewitt /Lucy Martins

All poetry by Author Karen Dewitt /Lucy Martins are copyright protected by International Copyright Law, the use without written permission is illegal. All Rights Reserved ©


Ravin714 said...

A deeply dark sad write but, your ink does it so beautifully. I can relate so deeply in this place you paint here. Thank you for being You.. Much Love

Lucy Martins said...

Thank you for the love Dana, this write was penned by Karen and me...the imagery painted here is indeed one of sadness, but even in the sadness there can be the beauty of a write, if one can understand the notion. I know you can see the beauty =) xoxo

pmpope said...

More words than I expect when I approach your form, dear Lucy. I think this is a fine collaboration between two, obviously, gifted writers. Most definitely a linguistic departure from Lucy's inimitable style. Nice work.

Anonymous said...

Astonishing, your poetry always leaves me feeling as though I have been on a journey! Superb love xoxo

Lucy Martins said...

Philip you leave me speechless, thank you for taking the time to read and comment so kindly, I greatly appreciate it =) Thank you for the smile :o)

Lucy Martins said...

Poppy, thank you for stopping by to read this collaboration and share your thoughts, I greatly appreciate the love. xoxo

alex-ness said...

Very powerful

Lucy Martins said...

Thank you for the constant readership and feed back Alex, I greatly appreciate it=)